Monday, July 21, 2008

Stuff and a good tip

I'm new at this and I hope you'll bear with me as I learn how to do this blog thing.

Some of you have received emails from me about events or issues relating to the Clark County horse community. I keep adding addresses when I find someone new but the list is getting really big. Through this blog, we can get the information out to a lot more people.

We have had some land use issues that need to be looked at, some events that more people need to know about and some really neat stuff that just needs to be told. Maybe even some good hints that newbies like me don't know yet. This is all the type of thing that I would like to cover here.

What I want from all of you is information about issues, events, attaboys and hints. This will be a great place to share all that.

Now to start that sharing ----
We have only had our horses at our place for 4 years and it takes a lot longer than that to learn all the 'easy' ways of doing things. But we have learned one trick that I just have to share.

You know those awful '300 lb' stall mats that need to be rearranged occasionally? Those ones that defy any attempt at moving? A friend was watching us trying to move some around and suggested we use vice grips. Now that was a great idea. If you haven't tried it yet, just attach two of them and they will work just like handles. I don't know how two metal clamps can make a mat seem lighter but they sure do.

Stay tuned .......

And Blessings to you all,


Anonymous said...

I like the "vice grip idea" for the stall mats.

Anonymous said...

If you don't have vice grips, hay hooks work wonders too.

Anonymous said...

I saw something for sale on Valley Vet that would work similarily but ... it would probably cost more than the vice grips that are already sitting in the garage! :)