Saturday, July 27, 2013


I haven’t written for a long time but I just ran across information about being firewise with our horses and the information is important right now.

Dennis is up at our cabin West of the Klickitat River to mow down the weeds that we didn’t get to earlier in the year. He can see the smoke from the Milepost 28 fire near Goldendale. We also have friends in the Goldendale area. Fire up there is scary stuff.

This information is from the yahoo group - by Alayne Renee Blickle.

With funding provided by Southwest Idaho Resource Conservation and Development, Alayne Renee Bickle developed educational materials for horse owners on ways to reduce risk and deal with wildfire. Her free Firewise materials as well as tons of other very good information “on green horse management” are available here.

This is the link to a very well done Planning Checklist and this is the link to her Evacuation Plan Checklist. This would even be really good information to have in the back of your mind as you venture out on a trail ride.

We do lots of other things to keep our horses safe – safe fencing, vaccinations, good feed, good shelter and general vigilance. Now you can add being firewise to that list.

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